Transformation of food systems for the purpose of high-quality food security

  • Anastasiia A. Dryndak Donetsk National University
Keywords: FAO, sustainable development, bio-enrichment, risks, households


Importance: the process of functioning of food systems, taking into account the influence of determining determinants of the formation of food potential. Purpose: to develop directions for the modernization of food systems in order to ensure food security and quality nutrition. Research design: the formation of the process of functioning of food systems requires a comprehensive study, therefore, when the world is going through a turning point, not only because it is necessary to solve significant problems of eliminating hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, but also because in conditions when the vulnerabilities of food systems have been clearly identified, it has become possible to a new qualitative level and ensure its timely achievement. Results: the directions of transformation of food systems to ensure the leveling of the negative impact of the determining determinants of the formation of food potential, in particular: the implementation of humanitarian programs in conflict- affected areas; strengthening immunity to the effects of external negative economic factors; increasing resilience to climate change; measures to reduce the cost of food at all stages of the food value chain; changing consumer behavior and diet; solving problems of structural inequality. Specific steps are recommended within the entire process of transformation of food systems.


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Author Biography

Anastasiia A. Dryndak , Donetsk National University

graduate student


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How to Cite
Dryndak , A. A. (2022). Transformation of food systems for the purpose of high-quality food security. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 74-90.
Agricultural Economics