Mandatory audit confirmation of financial statements (information) in the Russian Federation: theoretical and legal aspects
Importance: the key problem in the system of mandatory audit and other mandatory audit confirmation in the Russian Federation remains the lack of consistency in determining the standard cases of such confirmations. To solve it, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation initiated a public discussion of a unified reasoned approach to establishing a list of such cases. Purpose: in response to the questions published for public discussion, to propose a risk-oriented approach to the definition and subsequent updating of the list of cases of mandatory audit confirmation; to disclose it in the aspects of subjects whose published information is subject to this procedure, types of such information, forms of confirmation. Research design: the concept of social significance, the principle of efficiency, and a risk-oriented approach were adopted as the basis for developing a unified systematic approach to determining cases of mandatory audit confirmation. It was determined which economic entities may be required to undergo the procedure of mandatory audit confirmation, what information about them is subject to this procedure, in what forms and by what standards it will be conducted. Results: clarifications of terms used in official documents in the field of mandatory audit confirmation are proposed, contributing to a better understanding by users of the difference between audit and other audit services; the expediency of using a single risk-based approach to establishing cases of mandatory audit confirmation is substantiated; the proposed approach is specified in the system of rules for determining such cases, forms of confirmation, the choice of which is justified by strengthening the socially useful result of confirmation with a simultaneous reduction in the use of resources to achieve it; a possible procedure for introducing changes in cases of mandatory audit confirmation is described, allowing economic entities to prepare for them in a timely manner.
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