Methodological aspects of assessing the effectiveness of investment processes in the spatial development of regions

  • Anton O. Nikitenko Belgorod State National Research University
  • Nadezhda F. Sivtsova Belgorod State National Research University
Keywords: investment processes, indicators for assessing investment processes, integral assessment of the effectiveness of investments in the region


Importance: indicators for assessing the effectiveness of investment processes in spatial development of regions. Purpose: development of an approach to the integral assessment of the effectiveness of investment processes in the spatial development of regions. Research design: the study has found that regional investment in terms of economic activity provides an opportunity to obtain additional income from potentially profitable areas. Considering that the level of development of the social and economic potential of the regions largely depends on solving the problems associated with the investment process, it should be noted that the active position of the state in the field of investment activities is primarily aimed at stimulating and attracting investment in certain regions. Results: systematization of indicators characterizing the investment activity of the region, formalization of the stages of building an integral assessment of investment processes in the spatial development of regions.


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Author Biographies

Anton O. Nikitenko , Belgorod State National Research University

postgraduate studen

Nadezhda F. Sivtsova , Belgorod State National Research University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Nikitenko , A. O., & Sivtsova , N. F. (2023). Methodological aspects of assessing the effectiveness of investment processes in the spatial development of regions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 20-29. Retrieved from
Regional Economics