Tools to assist market development in housing construction in the region under sanctions: status and prospects

  • Yuri I. Treshchevsky Voronezh State University
  • Alina A. Voronezh State University
Keywords: region, housing market,, sanctions, analysis, regional policy tools


Importance: the worsening economic situation on the market of housing construction in the regions of the country has led to the need to develop and apply instruments of its regulation, aimed at curbing the rate of falling demand. The analysis of the situation on the housing construction market in Voronezh region demonstrates the possibility of three scenarios: «worsening», «optimistic» and «improvement-oriented». The «worsening» scenario requires mobilisation of considerable public resources from the federal centre, which is unlikely for a relatively prosperous situation in Voronezh Oblast. At the same time, the regulations adopted at the federal level allow a wide range of regional support measures for this sector of the economy to implement the «optimistic» and «improvement- oriented» scenario. In this regard, it is possible to use the information and communication tools, which are effective enough and do not require significant public investments at the federal and regional levels. Purpose: to form a package of tools to promote the development of the housing market at the regional level, it is necessary to be guided by the measures adopted by the federal authorities to stimulate demand for housing. The use of these measures in the region is constrained by the lack of systematic information about the resource base and the prospects of land development. The orientation of regional policy in the field of housing to implement the «optimistic» and «improvement-oriented» scenarios required the analysis of the actual state of the resource base of housing construction and the positions of researchers on the prospective tools for their implementation. Research design: in the course of the study the following methods were used: monographic, economic-statistical and logical methods. The analysis of the positions of scientists considering the state and prospects of development of the housing market in the deteriorating economic situation in the country associated with the pandemic of 2020- 2022 and the worsening of economic sanctions, used in our study, formed the theoretical basis for the substantiation of the composition of the instrumental base of regional policy in this area of activity. The study of the potential of land resources suitable for their effective development for housing has been carried out using the economic-statistical method. The combination of theoretical researches results, economic-statistical analysis and logical interpretation of their results as applied to realization of the «optimistic» and «improvement-oriented» scenarios allowed to formulate prospective tools to promote the development of housing construction market in Voronezh region. Results: in order to develop the housing market to implement the «optimistic» and «improvement-oriented» scenarios, the authors recommended four sets of tools to be implemented at the regional level: 1) tools for information and communication support of regional authorities and management; 2) tools for integration of information on prospective areas for housing construction; 3) documents on the quality, accessibility and uniformity of information for the executive bodies of state power, local governments, morbidity and developers; 4) tools of the executive authorities of the regions, local governments, construction and resource supply organizations.


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Author Biographies

Yuri I. Treshchevsky , Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Full Prof.

Alina A., Voronezh State University



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How to Cite
Treshchevsky , Y. I., & Alina A. (2023). Tools to assist market development in housing construction in the region under sanctions: status and prospects. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 30-42. Retrieved from
Regional Economics