Possibilities of applying economic and mathematical tools in the analysis of procurement of goods, works, services

  • Kirill A. Ivannikov Voronezh State University
Keywords: procurement of goods, works, services, forecasting, procurement schedule, budgetary institutions, demand planning


Importance: the vector of the transition of the organization of financial and economic activities of budgetary institutions to electronic document management and the unstable economic situation associated with the aggravation of the international political situation has taken on a rapid development and requires budgetary institutions to improve the quality of planning. The use of economic and mathematical methods in procurement planning helps to optimize the resource potential of budgetary institutions, improve the quality of material and technical supply. Purpose: to reveal the possibilities of using economic and mathematical methods to predict the needs of a budgetary institution for goods, works, services, which will improve the quality of planning the need for goods, works, services, expand the possibilities of using analytical tools for analysis material and technical supply of budgetary institutions and strengthening control over the procurement of goods, works, services. Research design: forecasting annual purchases is an important aspect in the work of an economic entity in the current conditions of the development of the Russian economy. Institutions should be able to adapt to the changing conditions of an aggressive external environment, work as quickly as possible, efficiently in functioning markets for goods, works, services, calculate in advance the options for the outcome of procurement events to force possible changes in the procurement schedule and adjust the time of their implementation.Results: the possibilities of using economic and mathematical methods for planning the purchase of goods, works, services were identified, the classification of purchases was carried out based on the frequency of their implementation, which made it possible to highlight the characteristic features of the organization of the procurement planning process, and then determine the place of application of economic and mathematical methods on various stages of the purchasing process. The possibilities of applying economic and mathematical methods for the economic substantiation of the conclusion of contracts (agreements) in the conditions of longterm financial planning are singled out.


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Author Biography

Kirill A. Ivannikov , Voronezh State University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite
Ivannikov , K. A. (2023). Possibilities of applying economic and mathematical tools in the analysis of procurement of goods, works, services. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 68-79. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/11048
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