Methodological aspects of rating assessment of the efficiency of financial and economic activities of enterprises

  • Galina A. Skachko Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Ekaterina V. Surkova Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Ekaterina V. Sporova Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Varvara D. Nosova Moscow Aviation Institute
Keywords: rating assessment, rating assessment methods, complex assessment, complex indicator


Importance: an operative and competent management decision in a corporation implies an idea of the financial and economic condition of the enterprises that are part of it and perform all the work to create and maintain the full life cycle of the manufactured product. Since the objectivity of assessing the effectiveness of financial and economic activities is essential when making a management decision, the authors used along with the most common methods and models, approaches based on the calculation of a rating or a total score value. The study of the methodological aspects of the rating assessment of the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of enterprises will make it possible to determine the most appropriate approach specifically for the corporation. Purpose: to explore the features of rating assessment methods. Conduct an analysis of the system of financial indicators used for rating assessment. Assess the values of financial indicators and their compliance with the optimally recommended values. Research design: analysis of approaches to the definition of a complex indicator based on economic and mathematical methods; assessment of enterprises of an integrated structure according to private and complex indicators. Results: the article presents private and complex indicators of corporation enterprises by type of economic activity; the authors build a system of rating ranking of the corporation's enterprises and give an analytical conclusion on the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of the corporation's enterprises; they also carry out a critical analysis of the results of the rating assessment.


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Author Biographies

Galina A. Skachko , Moscow Aviation Institute

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Full Prof.

Ekaterina V. Surkova , Moscow Aviation Institute

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Ekaterina V. Sporova , Moscow Aviation Institute


Varvara D. Nosova , Moscow Aviation Institute



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How to Cite
Skachko , G. A., Surkova , E. V., Sporova , E. V., & Nosova , V. D. (2023). Methodological aspects of rating assessment of the efficiency of financial and economic activities of enterprises. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 106-115. Retrieved from
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