Content and factors transformation of the system sources of financing of russian organizations in modern conditions

  • Elena F. Sysoeva Voronezh State University
  • Elena S. Bydilova Consultarchive LLC
Keywords: system of financing sources, transformation, technological cycles change, key rate


Importance: the totality of financial relations regarding the use of various sources of financing by Russian organizations in the conditions of their system trans-formation. Purpose: determine the content of the organizations financing system transformation; to identify factors that negatively affect the key indicators of economic growth of domestic organizations in the period from 2008 to 2021 in an unstable macroeconomic situation. Research design: to achieve this goal, the analysis of statistical data on lend-ing to non-financial sector organizations is used to acces the profitability of their activities; on the volume and structure of investments in their fixed capital accumulated by the Federal State Statistics Service and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR). Results: identification of the external economic environment factors (change of production cycles, global economy capital accumulation cycle) that affect the system financial sources. The article determines and finds the volume of lending to organizations in the real sector of the economy dependence on the Russian Federation Central Bank key rate the Russian Federation and the sales organizations profitability. On the basis of statistical data financing investments sources structure into fixed assets is determined, the possible transformational changes in the system of sources of financing of organizations assumption is substantiated.


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Author Biographies

Elena F. Sysoeva , Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Elena S. Bydilova , Consultarchive LLC



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How to Cite
Sysoeva , E. F., & Bydilova , E. S. (2023). Content and factors transformation of the system sources of financing of russian organizations in modern conditions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 124-142. Retrieved from
Financial Economics