Information on emissions in non- financial reporting of corporations

  • Haider Khdair Khalaf Al-Halfy Voronezh State University
Keywords: reporting in the field of sustainable development, Series 300 «Environmental standards, indicators, management reports»


Importance: one of the indicators of a corporation’s openness and its ability to develop sustainably is the formation of non-financial reporting, which reveals how the strategy, management, results and prospects of the corporation in the context of the external environment lead to value creation. Purpose: the purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for reporting in the field of sustainable development, to develop an organizational mechanism for information disclosure based on GRI Standard 305: Emissions 2016. Research design: formation and disclosure of reporting information on sustainable development is carried out through a systematic integrated approach to researching the types of activities of a corporation, identifying and evaluating factors that affect business processes. Adopted in 2015 at the UN Sustainable Development Summit, «Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development» contains 17 sustainable development goals, including those aimed at conserving the Earth’s resources. In 2019, Russia signed the Paris Agreement on climate change, according to which it should achieve by 2030 greenhouse gas emissions no more than 70% of the 1990 level. Information disclosed based on GRI standards consistently and reliably, ensuring comparability, allows stakeholders to make informed decisions about the corporation’s contribution to sustainable development. Development of relevant details and forms of primary accounting documents, substantiation of methods for calculating conditionally natural meters of non-financial reporting elements, modification of accounting registers and forms of internal corporate reports are carried out on the basis of professional judgment of specialists, develop a creative approach that ensures reliability and dignity. accuracy of sustainability reporting. Results: the article presents the directions for the development of reporting in the field of sustainable development in terms of preparing and disclosing information on the environmental category, developed forms and indicators of internal reports on the emissions of the corporation, which ensure the formation of public reporting.


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Author Biography

Haider Khdair Khalaf Al-Halfy, Voronezh State University

postgraduate student


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Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics