Competitive intelligence as a type of information support for decision-making in the field of forming and maintaining the competitiveness of an economic subject

  • Yana N. Nedomolkina Voronezh State University
Keywords: business intelligence, competitive intelligence, competitors, competition, competitive advantages, strategic accounting, strategic management, economic security, analytical intelligence, economic intelligence, marketing intelligence, commercial intelligence


Importance: instrumental support of the strategic accounting system. Purpose: in order to disclose informational (instrumental) provision of strategic accounting, conduct a study of the category «competitive intelligence». Explore a new type of information support for decisionmaking aimed at obtaining comprehensive information about competitors and increasing the competitiveness of an economic entity. Research design: at present, information resources of strategic accounting in the field of external information have not been clearly identified, which determines the problem area and updates the study of strategic accounting tools. Based on the functional content of strategic accounting, we singled out such a type of strategic accounting tool as competitive intelligence. Results: the concept and main elements of competitive intelligence were defined as a type of activity that determines the receipt of external information, primarily information about competitors.


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Author Biography

Yana N. Nedomolkina , Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Nedomolkina , Y. N. (2023). Competitive intelligence as a type of information support for decision-making in the field of forming and maintaining the competitiveness of an economic subject. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 101-117. Retrieved from
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics