Analysis of typical violations of legislation in the field of procurement identified during the financial control of state (municipal) institutions

  • Natal'ya E. Spiridonova Voronezh State University
Keywords: control activities, state financial control, internal financial control, significant violations, risk, risk-oriented approach, budget expenditures


Importance: adaptation to external challenges and unstable geopolitical situation determines the importance of strengthening control over budget spending. Purchases of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs are a significant share of budget expenditures. Therefore, it becomes necessary to analyze the repeated violations that state (municipal) institutions allow in the implementation of procurement activities. Purpose: systematization and analysis of typical violations of legislation in the field of procurement, which are detected during the financial control of state (municipal) institutions. Research design: during the study, a structural and dynamic analysis of the results of the activities of the subjects of financial control was carried out. As an information base, the reports of regulatory authorities, posted in the public domain, were used. Results: typical violations in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs are systematized; a grouping of violations that can be identified within the framework of financial control of procurement activities of state (municipal) institutions is proposed; a group of violations related to non-compliance with the requirements for substantiating the initial (maximum) contract price is detailed; the necessity of internal financial control by state (municipal) institutions using a risk-based approach in order to timely identify and prevent violations in the field of procurement is substantiated.


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Author Biography

Natal'ya E. Spiridonova , Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)


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How to Cite
Spiridonova , N. E. (2023). Analysis of typical violations of legislation in the field of procurement identified during the financial control of state (municipal) institutions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 140-151. Retrieved from
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