Competitiveness analysis of the organization and the directions of formation of its competitive advantages in modern economic conditions
Importance: the article reveals theoretical, organizational and methodological problems related to the characteristics of competition and competitiveness, identification of factors for increasing market stability, analysis of competitive advantages, on the competent management of which depends the ability of a business to maintain or increase competitive positions in changing economic and market conditions of the economy and achieve the desired indicators in the current, investment and financial activities at the present moment and in the long-term perspective. Purpose: systematization of key characteristics of competition and competitiveness, analysis tasks and directions, grouping and characterization of competitiveness factors and competitive advantages to ensure long-term market stability. Research design: competition and competitiveness are an integral part of any entrepreneurial activity of commercial organizations, from a competent management policy, which determines the ability of the organization to produce and sell target volumes of products and services, achieve a positive financial result and long-term financial and market stability. Conducting a systematic analysis of the state of competitiveness of an organization and its products allows not only to identify unrealized potential for development, but in unstable conditions to maintain a reasonable balance between balanced pricing, investment, financial stability and competitiveness in production, technological, service, financial and other areas. The realization of the internal potential of the organization allows to ensure market stability in difficult economic conditions, the rhythm of production, to develop new directions, making competent management decisions. Results: the author systematizes the modern factors of the competitiveness of the organization, reveals the content, composition, structure, conducts a comparative analysis of the approaches of Russian and foreign scientists to the essence of competition and competitiveness. The methodological provisions of the analysis of competitive advantages are also disclosed, the key characteristics of competitiveness are grouped, aimed at maintaining market stability in the short, medium and long-term prospects and ensuring the development of the competitive potential of the organization.
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