On the genesis and meanings of the economics for common good
Importance: serious upheavals in the modern geopolitical and macroeconomic structure of the world carry the threat of irreversible changes and stimulate the demand for innovations in the methodology of analyzing and assessing the current state of affairs and forecasting the future. Any new alternative in the arsenal of world economic thought, moreover, if it has acquired the quality of a «Nobel phenomenon», deserves a thorough critical analysis. Purpose: critical analysis of the role of the postulates of the «Nobel phenomenon» in the context of existing economic realities, narratives of «dominant» economic views, explicit and latent requests of society for the image of the distant future. Research design: the postulates of the public lecture of the Nobel Laureate in Economics Jean Tirol (Moscow, 2018) are identified using the dialectical method by immersing them in the logic of modern economic realities and trends, as well as in the context of existing scientific concepts. Results: this paper verified the author’s thesis about the idealistic nature of the theory for the common good, the «genetic origins» of which go back both to European traditions and to modern intellectuals. The author put forward a hypothesis about this theory as a sign of the crisis of neoliberal views, personal disappointments and the search for alternative research solutions. The article contains the author’s assessment of the prospects of the neoliberal paradigm and theory for the common good in terms of embedding its meanings into the real institutions of a market economy and a democratic society.
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