Prediction of complex processes by neural networks

  • Alfira M. Kumratova Kuban State Agrarian University
  • Kirill E. Chumachenko Kuban State Agrarian University
Keywords: artificial neural networks, forecast, time series, data analysis, big data, predictive modeling, CNN, lstm, forecasting, complex process


Importance: forecasting of complex processes is necessary in various industries to optimize their operations, reduce costs and increase efficiency. Traditional statistical methods and machine learning algorithms were used for forecasting, but the advent of neural networks significantly increased the accuracy of forecasts. Purpose: the use of neural networks for predicting complex processes is becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to study complex relationships between data, find patterns in them and generalize them, predicting future results. Research design: аssuming that the use of neural networks for time series forecasting is associated with the problems of developing accurate models, the paper shows the potential advantages of using neural networks for predictive modeling of complex processes. Results: the authors present a demonstration of the work of a tool for predicting time series using neural networks.


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Author Biographies

Alfira M. Kumratova , Kuban State Agrarian University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)

Kirill E. Chumachenko , Kuban State Agrarian University



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How to Cite
Kumratova , A. M., & Chumachenko , K. E. (2023). Prediction of complex processes by neural networks. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 27-36. Retrieved from
Mathematical and Instrumental Methods in Economics