Financial support of social protection programs for citizens in the Russian Federation: federal and regional experience

  • Alias D. Bartsits Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: social protection programs, financing instruments, budget financing, budget sources, inter-budget transfers, maternal family capital


Importance: The article describes the basics of budget expenditure management for social protection programs of citizens, since an important task of budget policy is to optimize and improve the efficiency of budget expenditure management of budgets of the budgetary system, which includes improving the efficiency of the social sphere. Purpose: the article aims to consider the financial mechanism, which is a set of forms and methods by which the process of distributive measures in the field of social protection. Research design: despite the different approaches to understanding social protection and its programs, the study of the process of financial support of social protection programs through their financing tools, which are gradually transformed and improved, does not lose its relevance at all times. The budget financing of social protection programs of citizens in the Russian Federation is fixed by the regulatory legal regulation. Results: the author concluded that Russia uses multi-channel financing of social protection programs for citizens (which is typical for countries with market economies), which means a high responsibility of public authorities in financial management for social protection. The sources of financing of social protection programs of citizens are budgetary funds (funds of the budgets of the budgetary system), funds from charitable activities, entrepreneurial activities. The article talks about the tools of social protection programs, thanks to which the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals are ensured. The mechanism of financial support of instruments for financing social protection programs is studied on the example of budgetary funds for the implementation of the maternal (family) capital program at the federal level (through inter-budget transfers) and regional levels (at the expense of own funds of regional budgets). It is concluded that the maternal (family) capital program has proven itself as an effective tool of social protection, which has received support from federal agencies and the country's leadership. The article describes the state financial control over budget expenditures for social protection of citizens on the example of the maternal (family) capital program in Russia.


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Author Biography

Alias D. Bartsits , Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

graduate student


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How to Cite
Bartsits , A. D. (2023). Financial support of social protection programs for citizens in the Russian Federation: federal and regional experience. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 37-56. Retrieved from
Regional Economics