Modeling and development of an information system for assessing insurance stocks
Importance: often a shortage of product stocks leads to the loss of potential customers, while the storage of unrealized stocks increases the cost of their maintenance (under an hour, the goods may have specific storage conditions that weigh down the financial burden). Thus, the provision of an optimal level of reserves is a very urgent problem of business management and development. Purpose: the overall goal of service level management is to provide customers with a high quality of service that meets their needs and expectations, and to create a competitive advantage for the company in the market. Research design: models for calculating insurance stocks allow you to determine the optimal levels of these stocks based on various factors and parameters. They take into account factors such as the cost of goods, their demand, delivery time, the likelihood of risks and other factors that may affect the company’s inventory and operating activities. In connection with the indicated problem, the authors considered models for calculating insurance stocks for two types of service on the example of a time series of sales of corn seeds by a seed company in the Krasnodar Territory. Result: the result of the study is the modeling of calculations of insurance stocks for two types of service and the development of an information system that demonstrates the basic and intermediate calculations of insurance stocks of products for two levels of service, increasing the effectiveness of making the right management decisions of a strategic and tactical nature.
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