Migration processes and regulation of labor migration in regional integration associations on the example of the GCC
Impotance: the article examines the problems of migration processes and the regulation of labor migration on the example of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf. Purpose: to identify the main factors of migration processes in the GCC countries and to determine the role of labor migration for the GCC countries. Analyze the main immigration flows. To investigate the tools for regulating migration processes. Research design: In the Middle East, in particular, in the GCC countries, there is a noticeably high ratio of migrants to the local population. This region is a unique platform for monitoring global labor flows. Both economic and forced migration converge here, which makes this region especially interesting for monitoring migration processes. Results: migration in the GCC countries is largely considered and perceived as an economic and political tool for solving internal and external issues at the level of the local economy, as well as as an instrument of «soft power». Migration policy in the GCC countries is quite rigid and is considered as a short-term tool, however, the economies of the GCC countries depend on labor immigrants both in the short and long term. In the immigration policy of the GCC countries, they use organizational tools to attract migrant workers from various countries, one of which is Kafala. Since immigration is viewed in the GCC countries in the prism of a temporary (seasonal) phenomenon, the policy of integration and naturalization remains unformed. It is proved that its absence leads to an increase in illegal migration, the growth of the shadow economy and social tension, which can lead to mass riots and protests by migrants. Given the fact that migrants make up a large proportion of the population of the GCC countries, this could become a threat to national security. However, in order to prevent the growth of illegal migration, the GCC countries conclude state contracts with the governments of migrant donor countries to attract migrant workers according to certain quotas. These measures are instruments of influence on certain issues in the international economy and in international politics.
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