Development of the system of valuation indicators in leveraged buyout transactions

  • Ilya A. Balakin Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: analytical rationale for value assessment, value drivers and sources, non-financial value assessment indicators, ESG indicators, LBO transactions


Impotance: valuation indicators that form the basis for analytical justification of decisions made in leveraged buyout transactions. Purpose: To improve the system of indicators for assessing the value created by participants in the process of a leveraged buyout transaction. Research design: Complete and objective information provided through the scorecard helps participants in a leveraged buyout transaction to make informed decisions, minimising risk and increasing opportunities for value creation. Continuous improvement and refinement of the indicator system contribute to overcoming identified problems and improving the accuracy of value creation assessment by participants in leveraged buyout transactions. Results: on the basis of disclosure of the content of the analytical substantiation of value assessment in leveraged buyout transactions, the indicators of assessment of the created value by each participant of the transaction are specified, the problems of the system of assessment indicators are identified and the ways of their solution are presented. Special attention is paid to supplementing the system of value assessment indicators with non-financial indicators of social responsibility, their role in value assessment and the materiality of their impact on financial indicators, including in the context of stakeholders of the target company. The results of the study are intended to improve the efficiency of the analytical substantiation of the valuation of the leveraged buyout.


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Author Biography

Ilya A. Balakin , Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

postgraduate student


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How to Cite
Balakin , I. A. (2023). Development of the system of valuation indicators in leveraged buyout transactions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 50-62. Retrieved from
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