Issues of ensuring the economic security of banking activities

  • Maria V. Tkacheva Voronezh State University
  • Elena E. Bicheva Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I
Keywords: financial and credit organization, economic security, threat, factor, banking sector


Importance: study of the concept and ways to achieve the economic security of the bank and the national banking system. Purpose: review of the components of the economic security of the bank and modern problems of its achievement. Research design: the essence and features of banking economic security as the most important aspect of the security and sustainability of the national economic, and partly the social system. The threats to the economic security of the bank are investigated and classified, and the factors that determine the security of the entire financial and credit system of the country are highlighted. The definition of the management of the economic security of the bank is formulated and four main tasks of this type of management activity are singled out. The current state of the banking market of the Russian Federation is briefly assessed and, based on this assessment, the most pressing threats, as well as risky actions and decisions in the financial and credit industry, are identified. Based on the results of the study, problems and prospects for managing certain aspects of economic security are highlighted both at the level of individual credit institutions and at the level of the national banking sector. The practical significance of the developed methodological approaches lies in their universality and applicability for the study and management of economic security of both individual credit institutions and the entire banking system of the Russian Federation. Results: three additional reasons were identified that led to the emergence of a global threat to the economic security of the bank, in addition to their classification by sudden occurrence and quality. A definition of managing the economic security of a bank is derived and its four main tasks are described. Based on the analysis of the state of the banking sector in the country, risks and risks have been created in the financial and credit sector. The problems and prospects for managing certain aspects of economic security are highlighted both at the level of individual credit institutions and at the level of the national banking sector.


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Author Biographies

Maria V. Tkacheva, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof

Elena E. Bicheva, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof.


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How to Cite
Tkacheva, M. V., & Bicheva, E. E. (2023). Issues of ensuring the economic security of banking activities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 104-113.
Economic Security