Improvement of the system of control and oversight in the system of the state defence order
Importance: for the state budget of the Russian Federation the problem of financial irregularities in the sphere of state defence procurement is quite acute in the conditions of a special military operation, as it threatens the timing and volume of military orders to ensure the country’s defence capability and combat operations. When considering the system of state procurement management, which includes the state defence procurement order, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of their organisation, which is influenced by various factors that do not have a market nature and do not obey standard economic laws based on the commercial benefit of the seller and the buyer. These contradictions often lead to the emergence of a situation when participants in the civil defense procurement process try to use state resources for illegal enrichment by creating corruption schemes. Purpose: in order to prevent abuse in the sphere of the SDO, it is necessary to use modern methods of control and supervision. The organisation of control and oversight in this sphere should be based on research into existing methods and draw on existing experience in successfully identifying and preventing misuse of public finances in the GOZ system. Research design: the study considers the methods and tools of control and supervision in the sphere of state defence order, analyses the effectiveness of detecting violations and identifies the connection with the implementation of the state budget of the Russian Federation. Results: Measures aimed at improving the organisation of control and oversight work in the GOZ system to ensure compliance with the principles of public procurement are proposed.
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