Application of network technologies in construction of large organizational and economic systems in industry
Importance: the article reveals new opportunities provided by digital technologies in the construction of large organizational and economic systems, which combine enterprises, integrated structures, territorialindustrial, regional and industry systems. There are options for creating network business models of these systems to solve various problems of their design on modern principles. Purpose: to focus the attention of the initiators of the design of new large organizational and economic systems on the opportunities provided by network and digital technologies to obtain additional effects from the creation of modern alliances and associations. Research design: demonstration of the effects of network business organization in the context of digitalization and the use of modern business models allows you to expand the understanding of the initiators of the creation of new enterprises about the possibilities and technologies of their design. The study uses methods of organizational design, construction of intercompany and intercompany networks, business modeling. Results: the author’s understanding of the category of large organizational and economic systems is revealed. The advantages of creating alliances within one or more organizational and economic systems are shown on the principles that exclude additional competition or mutual suppression of participants. The principles of building modern business networks focused on solving the problems facing industry in the context of the need for a new reindustrialization are formulated. Recommended options for the formation of intercompany and intercompany business networks that ensure the synergy of new associations.
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