System approach to studing the process of innovative development of agrarian formations

  • Zulfiya M. Laypanova FGBOU HE North Caucasian State Academy
Keywords: agricultural production, agricultural formations, innovation, innovative development, technological structures, innovative sensitivity


Importance: the article examines the specifics of agricultural production, which leaves its mark on the possibility of implementing the organization of innovative activities in the agricultural sector. It has been established that the interaction of the internal environment and external conditions, controlled by the organizational and economic mechanism, is the foundation for the implementation of effective innovative activities by agricultural formations. Based on the use of PEST analysis tools, factors of innovative development are differentiated into stimulating and inhibiting processes. It has been established that the resource potential of domestic agricultural producers is largely underutilized, which makes it possible to increase production volumes of the main types of agricultural products based on the implementation of modern innovative technologies. Purpose: explore methodological aspects of assessing the processes of innovative development of agricultural formations. Research design: the object of the study was the innovative activity of agricultural formations. The basis of the research was the legal norms of domestic legislation and the works of domestic scientists. During the research process, traditional methods of studying the problem were used: monographic, comparative, calculationconstructive, etc. Results: the article presents a conceptual model of innovative development of agriculture, assessing the vector of movement from global and local challenges to the effects and consequences of implementing the concept in the context of finding equilibrium. As a key recommendation, the feasibility of a flexible combination of innovative and traditional methods of agricultural production is substantiated.


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Author Biography

Zulfiya M. Laypanova, FGBOU HE North Caucasian State Academy

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Laypanova, Z. M. (2023). System approach to studing the process of innovative development of agrarian formations. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 19-32. Retrieved from
Innovation management