Digital platforms and business development: impact research and practical examples

  • Natalia N. Mikhailenko ABC Media
Keywords: Digital Platform, Business Development, Innovation, Business Models, Change Management, Data Analytics, Marketing and Promotion, Digital Strategy, Operational Efficiency


Importance: digital platforms have a significant impact on business in several aspects. They provide companies with new opportunities for marketing and promoting their products and services, managing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, analytics and decisionmaking, as well as developing new business models. The introduction of platforms may also face problems related to the human factor and the indifference of managers. Purpose: to investigate the impact of digital platforms on business development. Analyze key aspects, including marketing and promotion, customer experience management, operational efficiency, analytics and decision-making, as well as the development of new business models. Research design: the article will analyze how digital platforms are changing traditional business models and how they affect customer acquisition, market expansion and operational efficiency. Various aspects related to the use of digital platforms will be considered, including the creation of an online presence, data management, personalization of services, marketing strategies and customer interaction. Results: the article will also provide practical examples of successful use of digital platforms in various industries and give recommendations on their effective use for business development.


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Author Biography

Natalia N. Mikhailenko, ABC Media

founder and commercial director of the advertising and production company ABC Media (ABC Group)


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How to Cite
Mikhailenko, N. N. (2023). Digital platforms and business development: impact research and practical examples. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 33-48. Retrieved from
Innovation management