Analysis of human resource management of government agencies in foreign countries

  • Elena V. Lavrenova Voronezh State University
  • Galina A. Lavrenova Voronezh State Technical University
Keywords: personnel management, public service, public service model


Importance: the subject of this research is the formation of approaches to the management of human resources of state Russian institutions based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries. Purpose: based on the analysis of foreign models of public service and the features of the models of personnel management in the public service, to form the defining vectors of reforming the system of public service and personnel management in Russia. Research design: as part of the creation of effective personnel management of Russian state institutions, the authors propose to take into account the existing models of public service abroad and justify their strengths and weaknesses. A fairly wide range of works by domestic and foreign scientists is devoted to the analysis of foreign experience in managing human resources of state institutions, however, foreign experience in working with personnel in the civil service in the conditions of its reform and modernization in the scientific literature remains insufficiently researched, although it is very valuable for Russia. Results: based on the analysis of foreign experience in public service personnel management, approaches to the systematization of personnel management methods in Russia were formulated. It is established that personnel management is determined by a set of processes different in their goals, essence, duration, characterized by certain features, which determines the use of various forms and methods in management. The model of the new civil service requires the formation of a new format of civil servant, which is characterized by creative thinking, the ability to work in a team, possession of communication skills and innovation.


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Author Biographies

Elena V. Lavrenova, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Galina A. Lavrenova, Voronezh State Technical University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Lavrenova, E. V., & Lavrenova, G. A. (2023). Analysis of human resource management of government agencies in foreign countries. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 49-59. Retrieved from
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