Detection of signs of manipulation in financial statements using machine learning methods using the example of organizations in the construction sector

  • Alexandra K. Zavalishina National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
  • Egor M. Metlyaev National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»
Keywords: manipulation, financial reporting, corporate fraud


Importance: according to reviews of specialized organizations, the problem of manipulation of financial statements does not lose its relevance both because of the difficulty of identifying it and because of the growing volume of damage. Purpose: use machine learning models to detect signs of manipulation of financial statements with some accuracy, using public data from financial statements of construction organizations. Research design: the concept of manipulation of financial statements as a particular concept of distortion is considered, a review of documents of specialized organizations dealing with the problem of distortion of financial statements is carried out. The collection and processing of initial data is presented, as well as the selection of the most informative features using statistical analysis methods. Results: the features of the construction industry are presented, a set of financial ratios has been formed that allow timely identification of signs of manipulation of financial statements, data clustering has been carried out using the K-means method, machine learning models have been built with varying degrees of prediction accuracy based on previously obtained and processed data.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra K. Zavalishina, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof.

Egor M. Metlyaev, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»

B.Sc. + M.Sс.


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How to Cite
Zavalishina, A. K., & Metlyaev, E. M. (2023). Detection of signs of manipulation in financial statements using machine learning methods using the example of organizations in the construction sector. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 60-72. Retrieved from
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics