Analysis of the results of the activity of the market of the Republic of Belarus using the approach to assess the liquidity of groups of leasing items

  • Ekaterina S. Piskun Belarusian State Economic University
  • Svetlana K. Matalytskaya Belarusian State Economic University
Keywords: leasing, market, leased item, liquidity of leased item, group of leased items


Importance: activities of the market of the Republic of Belarus in order to analyze the results of its activities within the framework of using the approach to assessing the liquidity of groups of leased items. Purpose: the article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the leasing market for 2016-2022. both in aggregate and for individual leasing organizations, in particular, the rationale for the emerging trends in the position of the concept of liquidity of the leased asset, which has been adapted for the leasing services market, is presented. Research design: generalization of the information base and preparation of economic indicators characterizing the results of the functioning of the leasing market is one of the main tasks of the Association of Lessors of the Republic of Belarus. However, justification of global trends in the leasing market in its entirety does not allow us to take into account the specifics of the subject of the contract – the subject of leasing. Using the concept of analyzing the liquidity of the leased asset from the perspective of their groups allows us to explain the current state and identify further prospects for the development of the market by its segments. Results: the authors are the first to present an approach to applying the concept of liquidity of leased items to the leasing market in its entirety. It is justified to compile an analytical table for analysis, filling which will make it possible to explain existing market trends, but also to assess the prospects for the development of new directions in the market. The described developments can be introduced into the practical activities of a leasing organization, used at the state level, and also used to assess the results of the leasing markets of countries in the aggregate.


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina S. Piskun, Belarusian State Economic University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Svetlana K. Matalytskaya, Belarusian State Economic University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Piskun, E. S., & Matalytskaya, S. K. (2023). Analysis of the results of the activity of the market of the Republic of Belarus using the approach to assess the liquidity of groups of leasing items. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 73-84. Retrieved from
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