Tendencies of development of manufacturing industry in the Voronezh region under the complex impact of negative environmental factors

  • Maxim O. Gladkikh Voronezh State University
  • Ekaterina G. Malugina Voronezh State University
Keywords: manufacturing industry, region, Voronezh region, forecasting, trends, environmental factors


Importance: аt present, the domestic economy, including the industrial sector, is experiencing a significant negative impact of the external environment as a result of Covid-19, fluctuations in exchange rates, aggravation of foreign sanctions, retaliatory anti-sanctions measures, etc. Under these conditions, manufacturing companies are developing measures for prompt response, while long-term and medium-term forecasts and development strategies based on them are losing relevance. In many industries, starting from 2022, the government and enterprise management have put the task of import substitution development in the foreground, but its realisation requires serious changes and, accordingly, time to restructure production and management systems. Purpose: to analyse and forecast the dynamics of the main parameters of the manufacturing industry of the Voronezh Oblast as a typical oldindustrial region under the complex impact of negative environmental factors. Research design: in the research process the following methods were used: monographic, economic-statistical and logical. The analysis of statistical data allowed us to identify the main trends in the dynamics of the volume of shipped products by the enterprises of the manufacturing industry of the region in the short-term period, taking into account regional specifics. The comparison of all-Russian results with regional ones, the analysis of dynamics within different time periods allow us to conclude about the reliability and fundamental possibility of forecasting indicators in the current conditions. Results: the analysis of the indicators of the manufacturing industry development in the Voronezh Oblast has shown a high level of instability of the industry. The obtained data show significant differences in the dynamics in different periods of the complex impact of negative environmental factors on the development of the manufacturing industry in the region. The analysis of operational statistical data on the development of the manufacturing industry of the Voronezh region has shown that by July-August 2023 the industry has adapted to the impact of a complex of negative factors of the external environment and in the future it is possible to predict the growth of the volume of shipment of goods and services of own production in the manufacturing industry of the region.


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Author Biographies

Maxim O. Gladkikh, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Ekaterina G. Malugina, Voronezh State University

graduate student


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Industrial Economics