The influence of production and economic factors on the formation of a corporate competence model in the development of human resources of the military-industrial complex

  • Ilona Vitalevna Popova Военный учебно-научный центр Военно-воздушных сил «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина»
Keywords: human resource development, production and economic factors, military-industrial complex, corporate competence model, human resources of the military-industrial complex


Importance: the subject of this study is the development of human resources of the military-industrial complex under the influence of influencing factors for the effective functioning of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in modern conditions and their achievement of strategic goals. Purpose: аnalysis of the features and specifics of the activities of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, study of factors influencing the defense-industrial complex and the development of human resources at enterprises of the military-industrial complex using modern methods and tools. Research design: аnalysis of the features and specifics of the activities of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the study of factors influencing the military-industrial complex, made it possible to classify the influencing factors as economic and production. Results: the study made it possible to classify the factors influencing the military-industrial complex. Using a competency-based approach to the development of human resources in the defense-industrial complex, a corporate competency model has been developed for the development of human resources, taking into account the influencing factors for the effective functioning of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex and their achievement of strategic goals.


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Author Biography

Ilona Vitalevna Popova, Военный учебно-научный центр Военно-воздушных сил «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина»



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How to Cite
Popova, I. V. (2023). The influence of production and economic factors on the formation of a corporate competence model in the development of human resources of the military-industrial complex. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 22-33.
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