Trends and innovations in the development of retail banking lending

  • Yulia Viktorovna Tkacheva Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter The Great
  • Larisa Aleksandrovna Shishkina Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter The Great
  • Pavel Evgenyevich Volynsky Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter The Great
Keywords: consumer credit, retail credit, banking sector, household income, inflation


Importance: а system of consumer credit relations in which the object is the movement of the loaned value, and the subjects are banks and individuals who take loans mainly for the purpose of ensuring personal consumption. The problem of modern consumer lending is the increased incidence of fraud, when lending is carried out with the participation of unscrupulous persons or in connection with incorrect information. Purpose: to study the practical features of retail banking lending and the movement of borrowed value, as well as to develop directions for its improvement using the example of Sberbank PJSC. Research design: сonsumer lending in the Russian Federation is currently going through a specific period of development. In the course of the work, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and comparison were used, as a result of which it was established that Sberbank PJSC is the absolute leader in terms of lending to individuals. We used SWOT analysis tools to coordinate the bank’s development and retail lending. We propose that the bank develop a new product using Lego technology, from the resources of the Beac ecosystem available to the bank, a «basket» product and the “Traffic Light” technology. Results: Typical loan offers that Russian banks position as new in their credit product lines are offers tailored to the individual needs of individual consumer groups, i.e., in fact, the individualization of standard conditions. For example, installment payment cards of Sovcombank Halva, which serve not only to obtain a loan, but also to store funds. As our observations show, Sberbank is following a different path, so we have justified and proposed comprehensive improvement tools. The innovations under consideration should create favorable conditions for providing loans to the population and will prevent the transfer of the borrowed value to fraudsters.


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Author Biographies

Yulia Viktorovna Tkacheva, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter The Great

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assist. Prof.

Larisa Aleksandrovna Shishkina, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter The Great

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assist. Prof.

Pavel Evgenyevich Volynsky, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter The Great



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How to Cite
Tkacheva, Y. V., Shishkina, L. A., & Volynsky, P. E. (2024). Trends and innovations in the development of retail banking lending . Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 127-138.
Financial Economics