Analysis of the adequacy and relevance of legal support of material and technical supplies of budgetary institutions

  • Larisa Sergeevna Korobeynikova Voronezh State University
  • Kirill Aleksandrovich Ivannikov Voronezh State University
Keywords: logistics, procurement of goods, works, services, contractual relations, legal regulation


Importance: material and technical supply for the activities of budgetary institutions falls under the norms of antimonopoly and civil legal regulation. In modern conditions, the functioning of the contract system is one of the most regulated areas of economic activity, which allows us to talk about the provision of this area of activity with elements of legal regulation. The practical significance of the study lies in structuring the elements of legal regulation of the contract system of the Russian Federation based on a study of the content of regulatory documents in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services. Purpose: to periodize and highlight the stages of development of the material and technical supply process based on generalizing historical experience in the development of procurement processes for goods, works, services, revealing the essence of legal support for material and technical supply, which made it possible to take into account the centuries-old experience of the development of the Russian economy and transform classical business processes supplies in today’s digital business environment. Research design: to solve the set tasks, we identified the most significant federal laws, decrees and regulations of Tsarist Russia, the socialist period of the functioning of the USSR, as well as the development of the Russian economy in market conditions. A review of the content of the selected documents made it possible to highlight the positive and negative aspects of the development of elements of legislative regulation and to see the continuity of the use of tools for state regulation of procurement activities. Results: the presented periodization of the stages of development of material and technical supply processes showed that the content of regulatory legal acts and the sequence of their adoption allow us to judge that the features of regulation of material and technical supply of budgetary institutions depend on the actualization of issues of development of the Russian economy. The authors highlight the features of historical approaches to the regulation of material and technical supplies, which remain relevant in conditions of strict sanctions and an aggressive external environment.


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Author Biographies

Larisa Sergeevna Korobeynikova, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Kirill Aleksandrovich Ivannikov, Voronezh State University



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How to Cite
Korobeynikova, L. S., & Ivannikov, K. A. (2024). Analysis of the adequacy and relevance of legal support of material and technical supplies of budgetary institutions . Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 88-103.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics