Preparing a university for participation in national and international rankings: coordinators, performers, systematization of information

  • Olga Mikhailovna Kupriushina Voronezh State University
  • Julia Vyacheslavovna Svetashova Voronezh State University
Keywords: rating, analysis, university


Importance: the article is devoted to the process of organization of preparing the participation of an educational organization in national and international rankings. At the same time, the methodologies of the most significant world rankings, such as Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS WUR), Times Higher Educational World University Ranking (THE WUR) and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) and national university rankings, which have different requirements for participants. In this regard, the management of a higher educational institution is faced with the task of choosing participation in one or another rating and organizing the preparation process. Purpose: preparing the university for participation in national and international rankings. Research design: the Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State University» was chosen as the basis for describing the business process of preparing for participation in national and international rankings. We have described the coordinator, process participants, direct performers and their interaction. Sources of information for organizing rating questionnaires have been systematized. In addition, the problem of assessing the effectiveness of a university’s activities has been identified in terms of the trend of positions occupied in various types of rankings, as well as assessing the places occupied by its closest competitors. . In this regard, an attempt was made to analyze the positions of the university. Results: the authors propose to draw up an internal reporting form for an educational institution, on the basis of which the dynamics of the university’s positions in international and national rankings are assessed by year over the past five years. This allows us to evaluate the existing development strategy of the university from the point of view of its compliance with current trends in the needs of students and employers, and the competitiveness of the university at the present stage.


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Author Biographies

Olga Mikhailovna Kupriushina, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Julia Vyacheslavovna Svetashova, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Kupriushina, O. M., & Svetashova, J. V. (2024). Preparing a university for participation in national and international rankings: coordinators, performers, systematization of information . Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 104-115.
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