Key aspects of managing the digital innovation ecosystem of the region’s economy
Importance: the article examines the prospects for the formation and development of digital innovation ecosystems in regional economies. In modern realities, based on digital technologies, a new type of cooperation is being formed – innovative ecosystems that unite enterprises in the real sector of the economy, scientific and educational organizations, and government authorities. Purpose: to substantiate the most effective tools for managing regional development aimed at creating a digital innovation ecosystem for the economy of a territorial entity. Research design: methods used to study digital innovation ecosystems of the regional economy include comparative system and bibliographic analysis, systems analysis tools. The study is based on modern works of leading domestic and foreign economists. We reviewed the existing ideas about «innovation ecosystems», «digital ecosystems», their characteristic features and elements, based on the collaboration of the above concepts, we formulated the author’s definition of the «digital innovation ecosystem of the regional economy», and also identified its structural elements and the relationships between them. In order to substantiate promising directions for the formation and development of the digital innovation ecosystem of the regional economy, we have summarized the most effective tools for managing regional development, aimed at the widespread implementation of innovative technological solutions that contribute to the transition of regional economies to a new digital way. Results: it is advisable to build innovative ecosystems in the context of digitalization at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The practical feasibility of building digital innovation ecosystems in specific regions and territories is based on the positive impact of such ecosystems on the general condition, functioning and further socio-economic development.
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