Digital twins in production management: creation principles, implementation problems and development prospects

  • Baglan Seitbattalul Zharasov National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
  • Viktor Ivanovich Abramov National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, SI Institute of Applied Information Technologies
Keywords: digital twin, digital transformation, digitalization of production, digital technologies, Internet of things


Importance: the article discusses the theoretical and practical principles of creation, economic benefits, implementation problems and prospects for the development of digital twins in the context of increasing the efficiency of production management. The digital twin is a comprehensive solution and an effective tool for increasing the efficiency of companies in an era of rapid change and uncertainty. Purpose: analysis of the role of digital twins in the field of production management, study of the principles of creation, implementation problems and development prospects. Research design: with businesses on the cusp of a new technological evolution, the adoption of digital twins becomes not just a choice, but a strategic imperative for those seeking to succeed in the dynamic and competitive environment of modern manufacturing management. Key aspects related to the creation, implementation and use of digital twins are considered. Results: the principles that should be followed when developing the creation of digital twins are presented, practical examples of the successful use of digital twins and the problems of their implementation in production are considered.


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Author Biographies

Baglan Seitbattalul Zharasov, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

master’s student

Viktor Ivanovich Abramov, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, SI Institute of Applied Information Technologies

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.


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How to Cite
Zharasov, B. S., & Abramov, V. I. (2024). Digital twins in production management: creation principles, implementation problems and development prospects. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 80-94.
Industrial Economics