Non-financial reporting: problem issues in preparation methodology
Importance: disclosure of information as part of various types of nonfinancial reporting helps ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of both individual industries and the country’s economy as a whole. Nonfinancial reporting is a means of communicating information about a company’s social and environmental responsibility, as well as its contribution to the development and welfare of society. However, the creation of such reporting faces the problems of the lack of uniform approaches, awareness of the significance for the majority of economic entities, as well as the lack of criteria for assessing the quality of its preparation. Purpose: to substantiate the importance of non-financial reporting, to identify the main problems of its formation, to propose possible directions for solving them, to attract the attention of the scientific community to this area of research. Research design: the essence and stages of development of nonfinancial reporting in the Russian Federation were investigated; an analysis of the dynamics of publication of such reports by domestic companies was carried out; The main problems in the formation of non-financial reporting have been identified. The methodological basis of the study was made up of the provisions of theoretical and practical methodology, namely, analysis, specification, observation and comparison. Results: non-financial reporting is becoming an integral part of corporate responsibility and a way of interacting with stakeholders. The results of the study allow us to determine the main advantages and disadvantages in the field of nonfinancial reporting, identify development trends in this area, formulate directions for improving approaches to the preparation of non-financial reporting, identify promising directions for future research related to the standardization of approaches to compilation, volume and the quality of the information presented.
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