The russian audit market: current state and factors of sustainable development

  • Irina Viktorovna Panina Voronezh State University
  • Snezhana Aleksandrovna Mytsykova Voronezh State University
Keywords: audit, auditing activities, auditors, audit organizations, socially significant organizations


Importance: the adopted Concept for the Development of Auditing in the Russian Federation expires in 2024. The formation of a new Concept requires step-by-step professional discussions involving the widest possible range of stakeholders: auditors, regulators, supervisory authorities, business circles. In solving such a fundamental, strategically important task, it is necessary to rely on official statistical information characterizing the Russian audit market. The dynamism of the ongoing socio-economic changes and the prompt response of the state to them necessitates the regular conduct of such an analysis, which makes it possible to quickly identify significant changes in this market and monitor its reaction to regulatory measures. The subject of the study is the statistical substantiation of the hypothesis about the totality of the essential features of the Russian audit market, including its high sensitivity to government regulation measures, significant national autonomy, territorial centralization, stratification into sub-markets with low diffusion and a number of others. Purpose: to highlight the main essential characteristics of the Russian audit market, to continue the scientific discussion about the main factors of its further sustainable development. Research design: the research was conducted on the basis of the principles of consistency, complexity, methods of analysis, synthesis, modeling, deduction and induction. The annual reports of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation were used as a source of statistical data on the Russian audit market. Results: statistical confirmation of the main essential characteristics of the modern Russian audit market is given; assumptions are made about the ways of its further sustainable development


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Author Biographies

Irina Viktorovna Panina, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Snezhana Aleksandrovna Mytsykova , Voronezh State University



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How to Cite
Panina, I. V., & Mytsykova , S. A. (2024). The russian audit market: current state and factors of sustainable development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 58-69.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics