A process-oriented approach to the personnel management system: a look to the future

  • Natalya Nikolaevna Mitina Voronezh State University
Keywords: optimization of business processes, «pearl organizations», risks, Agile technologies


Importance: business processes of the personnel management system in the cultural space of the organization, demonstrating its inherent features and risks. Purpose: the focus of our research is the search for the relationship between the business processes of the organization’s personnel management system, organizational culture, digital technologies and the study of possible ways of their development. Research design: based on the theory of technological structures and content analysis of scientific sources, it is hypothesized that, firstly, the content and speed of changes in the external environment will increase, which requires changes in the internal processes of the organization; secondly, there is a close relationship between the type of organizational culture dominant in an organization and its business processes; thirdly, improvement of business processes should be based on the transition to the organizational cultures of the future. Results: the need is substantiated and the mechanism for the formation and development of new organizational cultures based on self-organization and convergence, and building on this basis new business processes of the organization’s personnel management system, is shown. The role and place of information technology in business processes are identified, and the risks associated with the introduction of changes in organizations with different types of cultures are identified.


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Author Biography

Natalya Nikolaevna Mitina, Voronezh State University
Cand. Sci. (Econ), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
Mitina, N. N. (2024). A process-oriented approach to the personnel management system: a look to the future. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 42-54. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps/2078-9017/2024/8/42-54
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