The components of SEZ and the role in the implementaion o fthe strategy of sustainable development of the regions

  • Pavel Anatolyevich Kanapukhin Voronezh State University
  • Roman Yurievich Naumov Voronezh State University
Keywords: special economic zones, preferential treatment, entrepreneurial activity, regional development, economic sector


Importance: the transition to sustainable development of the Russian Federation involves the formation of an effective structure of the country’s economy by type of economic activity, taking into account the balance of interests of all economic agents, which determines the need to improve strategies in the field of sustainable development, including scientific and technological development, to overcome the backwardness of export-oriented products and the implementation of state import substitution programs. Special economic zone (SEZ) is an effective instrument in such a process. Purpose: to study the components of special economic zones (SEZ): the concept, essence, features, as well as their role in the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development of regions, their analysis. Research design: in the process of achieving the set goals, the methods of scientific cognition were used: dialectical; analysis and synthesis. The research is based on the study of relevant scientific and periodical economic literature. Despite a significant number of scientific papers on the problems of sustainable development management in the regions of the country, issues of important theoretical, methodological and practical importance for improving its effectiveness have not been resolved and are debatable, taking into account current trends in strengthening the role of SEZs for promising areas of technical and process design, socio-economic development of administrative-territorial entities of the country. Results: it has been established that special economic zones are the most significant part of global economic relations as investment and industrial locations, the basic functions of which in the process of ensuring the sustainable development of regions can be identified by three main blocks: economic, spatial and social. The main problems of SEZ functioning are insufficiently clearly defined goals, incomplete or inadequate accounting of their functions, insufficient reflection of the specifics of regional development in the management of their development, as well as the fragmented availability of managerial personnel.


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Author Biographies

Pavel Anatolyevich Kanapukhin, Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Roman Yurievich Naumov, Voronezh State University
PhD student


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How to Cite
Kanapukhin, P. A., & Naumov, R. Y. (2024). The components of SEZ and the role in the implementaion o fthe strategy of sustainable development of the regions . Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 8-19.
Regional Economics