Conceptual foundations for the study of economic interests and incentives of increasing of labor productivity

  • Ivan Timofeevich Korogodin Voronezh State University
  • Alexey Vladimirovich Tarasov Voronezh State University
Keywords: economic interests, motives and incentives, economic interests as a socio-economic system, productive force of labor, the primary source of its action, directions for qualitative improvement of labor productivity


Importance: based on a critical analysis of the available points of view on understanding economic interests, the article substantiates a concept that reveals the methodology for studying the content of economic interests as a socio-economic system, its structural elements, their interaction and influence on the primary source of the movement of the productive force of labor. The directions of increasing labor productivity, formed under the influence of economic interests and their incentives, are revealed. Purpose: to substantiate the concept of the theory of economic interests and incentives of increasing of labor productivity. Research design: to determine the structure of the elements of the content of economic interests and incentives as a socio-economic system; to apply methodological approaches to the analysis of the structural elements of economic interests as a socio-economic system; to identify the directions of action of economic interests and incentives for a qualitative increase in labor productivity. The components of the methodology for the study of economic interests and incentives to increase labor productivity: areas of theoretical research – rationalism and empiricism; scientific principles – consistency, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, cause-effect relationship, unity of process and result, qualitative correlation between the elements of the system; methodological approaches – level, static, dynamic, meaningful, subjective, objective; methods – scientific abstraction, abstract analysis, abstract synthesis, comparison. Result: based on the system paradigm, the concept of the theory of economic interests and incentives of increasing of productivity is formulated as a socio-economic system combining five key elements: property, economic interest, motive, incentive, labor productivity, the analysis of the interaction of which made it possible to determine the principles of remuneration as the basis for the formation of a business environment conducive to stimulate the growth of the quality of labor and its productivity. The principle of pay equity has been developed, which is the most important incentive for the growth of labor quality and productivity. The content of two methods of increasing labor productivity is disclosed: qualitative and quantitative, the advantages of the first method over the second are proved and two directions of its application are justified, ensuring an increase in the quality of labor and an increase in its productivity.


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Author Biographies

Ivan Timofeevich Korogodin, Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof.

Alexey Vladimirovich Tarasov, Voronezh State University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)


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How to Cite
Korogodin, I. T., & Tarasov, A. V. (2024). Conceptual foundations for the study of economic interests and incentives of increasing of labor productivity. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 8-24.
General Economics