Market research trends
Importance: the subject of research is the study of current directions and methods of marketing research used in modern contexts, driven by the evolution of digital technologies. Purpose: the study is to explore the current trends and changes in the field of data collection and marketing research, as well as to identify contemporary methods and tools that can enhance the efficiency of this process. Research design: when preparing the article, a comprehensive review of works by both domestic and foreign authors on the topic of the study was conducted as well as an analysis of the current state and modern approaches in the field of marketing research was carried out. To highlight the main trends in the development of marketing research methods and tools, reports and data from foreign and Russian research companies were used including an overview of the opinions of industry experts. Results: the main results of the study involve identifying key trends in organizing data collection and conducting marketing research in the context of their impact on modern marketing practices. The study undertook a review, presented the systematization of modern marketing research tools, and formulated recommendations for their application.
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