Success potential of older workers: conceptual framework and influence factors
Importance: reconsidering scientific concepts about the potential of older workers is important for developing work methods and successful careers for staff of all ages. The study focuses on the characteristics and abilities of older workers that are valuable to the organization and society. Purpose: to develop an understanding of the categories of «worker potential» and «older worker» and to identify factors that influence the achievement of their paired functioning. Research design: а literature review was conducted using methods of analyzing scientific articles and studies devoted to the study of the potential of older workers in order to understand the factors that influence their success at work. A comparative analysis was also conducted, in which data on the potential of older workers were compared with data from other age groups to determine unique personality characteristics that may influence the duration of their professional activity. Result: the study, firstly, revealed the specifics of the transformation of scientific interpretations of the concept of «labor potential» and classified them. Secondly, the position is substantiated that the performance of senior employees largely depends on the level of personal comfort, the state of fluid and crystalline intelligence. It is recommended to support, rather than actively develop, the labor potential of older employees. Thirdly, factors that significantly affect the success and duration of the career of older workers are identified, which emphasizes the special importance of taking these aspects into account when developing strategies for their support in the organization.
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