Assessment of the risk of corporate fraud of an enterprise in the oil and gas sector in the context of functioning of a group of companies

  • Alexandra Konstantinovna Zavalishina National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI"
  • Manizha Dalerovna Parfenova National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”
Keywords: falsification, distortion, manipulation, financial reporting, financial security


Importance: corporate fraud is currently a pressing issue because as a result of such unfair actions, an organization not only suffers significant financial losses, but also reputational ones. In addition, the tools for its detection are not clearly defined, so it seems necessary to study the existing methods and test them. Purpose: test existing methods for detecting corporate fraud using the example of financial statements of an organization in the fuel and energy sector. Research design: the concept of corporate fraud is considered, its components are provided, methods for detecting it based on financial statements and assessing information in open databases and the media are provided. Results: existing models for detecting manipulations in financial statements based on the indicators of M. Benish, M. Roxas are tested, and previously developed methods for detecting manipulations in financial statements based on the linear regression equation and the ratio of low-quality reporting items are applied.


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Author Biographies

Alexandra Konstantinovna Zavalishina, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI"

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof.

Manizha Dalerovna Parfenova, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof


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How to Cite
Zavalishina, A. K., & Parfenova, M. D. (2024). Assessment of the risk of corporate fraud of an enterprise in the oil and gas sector in the context of functioning of a group of companies. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 39-51.
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics