Corporate social responsibility in terms of conservative and antirecessionary economic behaviour

  • Юрий Игоревич Трещевский
  • Лариса Михайловна Никитина
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, a debt, the activity purpose, responsibility before the future, technical and technological development, economic behavior.


In the article theoretical and practical aspects of development of corporate social responsibility in a context of the ethical G. Jonasa’s concept are considered. It is shown that the problem of preservation of conditions for ability to live in the future can’t be solved at the expense of manufacture restriction. Corporate responsibility in technical and technological sphere can be realized only by means of qualitative performance of works, services and effective forecasting of consequences of industrial activity.


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How to Cite
Трещевский, Ю. И., & Никитина, Л. М. (2015). Corporate social responsibility in terms of conservative and antirecessionary economic behaviour. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 70-82. Retrieved from