Prospects and problems of using of concession mechanism in transport infrastructure

  • Ирина Анатольевна Морозова
  • Валентина Петровна Скачкова
Keywords: image projects, market of transport services, transport infrastructure, investment projects


The report is devoted to the problem of raising the investment attrac­tiveness of transport infrastructure while realizing the strategic proj­ects on its modernization and development. According to the author’s opinion the solution are in the plane of developing the state – private partnership machinery, that makes it possible to take into account all the resources and territorial social and economic peculiarities of separate regions. Taking into account the strategic significance of transport special attention should be paid to preserving the control and regulation functions of the state that must create the institution­al functioning environment for the subjects of the transport services market and form «game rules» that permit to raise investment at­tractiveness of the branch for private capital and create the system of state guarantees which reduce financial and entrepreneurial risks.


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How to Cite
Морозова, И. А., & Скачкова, В. П. (2015). Prospects and problems of using of concession mechanism in transport infrastructure. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 59-67. Retrieved from