Methods of the determination of stochastic processes contribution into reatty cost

  • Валентин Васильевич Гасилов
  • Михаил Артемьевич Преображенский
  • Алексей Александрович Зарецких
Keywords: cost, realty, stochastic process, Fourier series, analytical


The procedure of elimination nonanalytical contribution of the stochastic process into results of observations of realty cost, basing on market information only, have been considered. The algorithm of division of the dependency under investigation on deterministic and stochastic part, founded on principal different analytical behavior, have been offered. The Result to realization of the Furie – smoothings algorithm of observation data of prices have been applyed to real market of realty.


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How to Cite
Гасилов, В. В., Преображенский, М. А., & Зарецких, А. А. (2015). Methods of the determination of stochastic processes contribution into reatty cost. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 155-162. Retrieved from