Analysis of factors and modeling of process of the lost revenues generation at a territorial power supply company

  • Ирина Витальевна Сахарова
Keywords: ultimate electricity market, regional electric grid company, lost incomes, quantitative analysis, econometric modeling


Since the liberalization of regional electricity markets, which began in the mid-2000s., an actual problem for the territorial network organizations, representing the regional distributive electrical network companies, was the formation of their “lost income” that is caused by operating practice of regulation of the tariff for electric power transportation. With the recent emergence of this phenomenon and necessity to develop understanding and working out of measures of counteraction the great interest represents revealing and analyzing the factors most important in the formation of lost incomes, and econometric modeling of this process.



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How to Cite
Сахарова, И. В. (2015). Analysis of factors and modeling of process of the lost revenues generation at a territorial power supply company. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 191-202. Retrieved from