New Approach to Estimation of Personnel Labor Taking Into Account Innovative Activity of the Enterprise

  • Владимир Александрович Кожин
  • Алексей Геннадиевич Саксин
  • Татьяна Владимировна Шагалова
Keywords: coefficient of the contribution, omissions and achievements, absolute distribution, cumulative distribution, omissions, inconsistencies


In the article we are talking about a new approach to estimation of the contribution a particular employee based on the calculation of economic loss and impact. In the study, the methods of rank correlation based on qualimetric evaluation of quality indicators are considered. Comprehensive description of the achievements and shortcomings in the work and the approximate weight, and a register of achievements and shortcomings in the work are presented. The calculation of absolute and cumulative distribution of losses from the shortcomings of perpetrators is considered.



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How to Cite
Кожин, В. А., Саксин, А. Г., & Шагалова, Т. В. (2015). New Approach to Estimation of Personnel Labor Taking Into Account Innovative Activity of the Enterprise. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 79-88. Retrieved from