Formation and Development of Research and Production Clusters: Features and Advantages for Region Economy

  • Юлия Александровна Ахенбах
Keywords: cluster, research and production cluster, region, features of clusters, absolute and relative advantages of clusters, efficiency of functioning of research and production clusters


Formation and development of research and production clusters represents the objective process corresponding to evolutionary nature of development of economy, however dynamism of functioning of regional research and production clusters depends on a set of the factors which are subject to in-depth and comprehensive investigation. First of all, the close attention is deserved by detection of the main distinctive features of clusters and their advantages in comparison with other forms of economic interaction of subjects of regional economy, as is a consideration subject in this article.


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How to Cite
Ахенбах, Ю. А. (2015). Formation and Development of Research and Production Clusters: Features and Advantages for Region Economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 26-37. Retrieved from