Questions of accession Turkmenistan to the WTO in the conditions of world economy globalization

  • Айсолтан Хабыева
Keywords: экономeconomic integration, globalization, accession to the wto, adaptation, world trade organization, technological innovations, Bali, agreements


Purpose: The article is devoted to the important problem of Turkmenistan accession to the World Trade Organization in the context of intensification of the international economic integration. Discussion: In the author opinion, the fact that the WTO came to an agreement on December 2013 at Bali ministerial meeting, Turkmenistan accession to the WTO greatly expands the country's possibilities to use the technological and informational innovations for the development of the national economy and its efficiency. In the long-run the accession to the WTO will allow Turkmenistan to increase the foreign trade substantially, to stabilize economy, to enhance predictability of foreign-trade partners, to ensure access to unified and internationally-accepted mechanism of trade dispute settlement, to provide opportunity to equally participate in formation of foreign trade rules and norms. Results: The evident advantages to join the WTO do not mean that the accession process needs to be speeded up, accepting terms and conditions dictated by the members of the working group, which may be in contradiction to the national interest of Turkmenistan. To take commitments for opening of the national goods and services' markets and for discontinuing agriculture sector support on terms dictated by the members of working group may slow down of country's economy and job lost.


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How to Cite
Хабыева, А. (2015). Questions of accession Turkmenistan to the WTO in the conditions of world economy globalization. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 43-49. Retrieved from