Basic elements of the mechanism of management of region development on the basis of region characteristics as systems

  • Надежда Васильевна Невейкина
Keywords: regional government, region, mechanism of management of the region


The question related to the development of the mechanism of effective regions development management is especially actual today that is caused, on the one hand, by accretion of constituent entity powers and strengthening of their role in the management process, and on the other hand, instability of a situation in the world that results crises in different spheres. The region is a difficult system with peculiar to the external and internal environment basic characteristics. The external characteristics of the region contain: multidimensionality (it means that the region is identified in space on the following signs: territorial, manager_mepsistrative, economic, institutional, organizational, demographic); multiple-level system; existence of the borders separating the region as system from environment; partial openness; dynamism; asynchrony; multiple image of the management. The internal characteristics include: plurality of goals; ability to development; resistance to external and internal indignations, gomeostatichnost; structure; a large number of subsystems is caused by difficult structure (element base and communications). In work the conceptual basis of basic elements of the mechanism of management by region development on the basis of system characteristics of the region is presented: structure, multidimensionality, multiple-level system, existence of borders, plurality is more whole, asynchrony, dynamism and a large number of subsystems. As a result by components of the mechanism are determined: the subject (operand), object (operator), aim (image), methods and instruments of regional development.


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How to Cite
Невейкина, Н. В. (2015). Basic elements of the mechanism of management of region development on the basis of region characteristics as systems. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 162-170. Retrieved from