Product differentiation efficiency estimate (in regard to Russian mobile market)

  • Ирина Юрьевна Ляшенко
  • Кристина Эдуардовна Пилюгина
Keywords: product differentiation, mobile market


Purpose: The article is aimed at discovering the methods of product differentiation at russian mobile market and estimating its results. Methodology. The tendency of market development is shown. The authors describe product differentiation and try to estimate its efficiency using companies' accounting. Results: It's stated that every company from «the group of three» has a substantial market share and some market power, uses product differentiation and has a profit. According to the profit forecast every company will likely have profit in future.


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How to Cite
Ляшенко, И. Ю., & Пилюгина, К. Э. (2015). Product differentiation efficiency estimate (in regard to Russian mobile market). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 112-122. Retrieved from