Design systems decision functioning under uncertainty

  • Анна Седраковна Овакимян
  • Сирануш Гегамовна Саркисян
  • Маня Альбертовна Зироян
  • Виктория Ивановна Тинякова
Keywords: expert systems, uncertainty simulation, fuzzy sets, linguistic variables


Purpose: the article deals with the design of expert systems to support decision making under uncertainty. Discussion: the possibility of using to address the problem of the theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic model of decision making. Results: а Fuzzy-system of decision making under uncertainty. The input data for such a system is a vector containing the «clear» information on baseline characteristics evaluated the system and the criteria by which to improve its quality. At the output of Fuzzy-system offers a strategy aimed at improving the quality of search criteria.


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How to Cite
Овакимян, А. С., Саркисян, С. Г., Зироян, М. А., & Тинякова, В. И. (2015). Design systems decision functioning under uncertainty. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 20-28. Retrieved from
Mathematical Methods in Economics